But I observed a fact which I am witnessing all 3 years of my well-being in UK. In the male changing room full of guys people are ashamed to strip down their cloth. Guys cover themselves with towels in order to put on swimming trunks. I mean maybe some of you just flew over my last sentence but let me break it down for you - guys cover themselves up from other guys... Did the grotesqueness of this situation get into your head?
I see it here much more frequently than back home. I mean back home there are some odd ones out too but it is not such a massive trend like on this beautiful island.

Another parade example is my shared house - if I am running around topless than I'll be confronted with eternal discussions about amorality of my behaviour... Am I pervert or something (I'll track down every buffoon who might find it funny to reply exactly on this question of mine).
Might this picture give some hint on what went wrong?
Might this picture give some hint on what went wrong?
I think you are neither turning into a gay or a monk, in which case you ignored me - the only female in the pool during the swimming session today. Yeah, there are plenty you have to think!!!
THAT soap trick... really does work? (>.>)
I have NO experience of Male changing rooms BUT thats definitely NOT happening in Female changing rooms, people don't really bother covering up except from the cold air... (I think)
By the way... I was tempted to reply on the *pervert* question...
I was actually quite sure that this sort of behaviour won't happen in the female changing room. Why? Well, that's easy to answer - because British girls are the most frivolous creatures I've ever met in Europe. This is not a critique! In contrary, I am, as a young, sexually predator oriented male, deeply thankful to the Britain cultural system for producing such a wonderful psychological work. Fishing far more fun here than back home ;-) GIGGLE GIGGLE
Honestly, couldn't be possible that it has nothing to do with 'British Female/Male Behaviour' and rather something to do with YOUR predatorial presence in the Changing Room?
Agreed with Sabrina. Bogdan, you were contaminated by the XXX.net. By the way, if I drop something, would you pick it up?
I guess it's just small-scale cultural diversity... coming from Italy I didn't notice such "perversion" that is actually present more or less at the same degree down here.
On the other hand I noticed the "perversion" of walking around and taking showers barefoot! Actually people even looked at me suspiciously when, totally naked, i wore my flipflops and headed to the showers.
Ok ok... I am clearly outpowered here. I can't take it against two nice looking ladies... and the worst thing, they know where to find me. So it is a lost battle upfront.
But the soap trick was quite a humiliating bullying tool in the horrible childhood of mine. Since that I've sworn not to pick up anything from the floor while I am taking the shower ;-)
Finally you see the Light... Dude... Good for you!
So, the soap trick is your personal experience. Don't upgrade it to a culture level.
Soap trick is multicultural. Haven't met so far any guy who wouldn't have heard about the trick already. Therefore I assumed some certain level of knowledge in the audience ;-)
Well, i don't show my private area in male changin' room. I have not done so in my whole life. I do show it to my 'sex partners' only. I find it a little weird and too unconfortable walking naked around men. Maybe, my private area is usually covered up, this psychologically tells me that it is private. I mean, would you feel comfortable showing your private parts in public? Lets say, a place or location without females? If yes, then you are one of those people who do not treat your private area as private (it is ok to show men). If not, then, why would you feel ok to show your private area in changing room? I think, this is the distinction in behaviour between men who show and do not show. Different perception on private area leading to different attitudes and behaviour.
Hmmmm... when I was a youngster growing up here (showing my age now!) there were no such things as communal changing rooms and we were encouraged to 'cover up' really. It's just us Brits - not meaning to be homophobic!
Well... I do agree to what fernando said. Private area is private and has to be treated like that. But it has to be said that societies impose some pressure on it's inhabitants. Accordingly, an institution of a communal changing room is one of the constraints/rules of the modern European society and it is to a greater or lesser extent commonly accepted. Therefore any comparison of the changing room to a public place is absurd. Changing room is there for a certain purpose where people are expected to encounter naked flesh!
Secondly, I can assure you fernando, that you will change your opinion after your first day in the army. If me, or anybody else during my army time, would cover himself in the shower... well... I don't want to imagine how hard the life would be. At that very moment your reputation would have been ripped apart with no possibility of later justification ;-) Hence, the lack of compulsory military service in Britain is only aggravating this issue.
I agree with everyone! Thing is... Army really does treat people who *cover up* differently (hearsay).
(>.>) I have never been in army either and I don't even know why I'm involved in this discussion to which I have absolutely no knowledge.
(<.<) P.S. I still think *his* predatorial presence plays a part.
Well, 'last year PhD neurotics' argues or tries to create an answer to the topic discussed here. I accept his views however i don't think that a 'right' or 'correct' view exist. Modern European society and in many other society have communal changing room [from American to Asian societies]. My view did not argue for an either or debate e.g. good VS bad; right VS wrong; appropriate VS inappropriate; or normality VS abnormality. What i have argued is that we are all different, we were/are developed and influenced by different factors e.g. culture, place where we live, parents-family-friends influences, society, religion, education, experience, etc. These things shape our attitudes, behaviour and view points (cognictive perspective). And i totally agree with 'last year PhD neurotics' that if I attend the military service, then my attitudes, behaviour and view points will change due to such experience.
What's your problem with the cloths thing? I find Germans very weird by always stripping of all their clothes (and I think we already had this discussion)... English people are brought up in a very polite way and probably sometimes they seem to be so strange (till they get drunk and then all comes out). Regarding your flat mates, they just seem to be from a different background and they are not used to it (just like I was not used to seeing an adult German man running in front of his family absolutely naked...
just a couple of words towards my plea - though I am from Germany... I am not weird. Despite my freak outs and affinity to walking around topless I am still normal!!!
Bogdan..talking about your childhood experience...do you want me to introduce a counselor for you? ha.a.
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