Friday, 22 June 2007

Tribute to all newcomers in UK

This has been said many time and I'd like to add my 5 cent to this discussion too. What is it all about these separated water taps in the bathroom - you either burn yourself or you get frostbites. There is absolutely no Nash equilibrium whatsoever.
Apparently there is a story of central cold water supply long time ago in Britain and all people having their own water tanks on their roofs. In order to prevent contamination of the main water supply it was prohibited to use mixer in your bath.
Having have said that I have to admit that in nearly 3 years of living over here I haven't seen these water tanks anywhere (not even in the deep countryside). So, returning to the rhetoric question at the start - why separated water taps.

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

you either burn yourself or you get frostbites

This is so true.I've been asking myself the same question for 4 years...

They do have seperated taps which lead to the same outlet in the kitchens (most of them at least) though... which seems logical... question is why don't they do it for all the taps?